Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Zara Marketing Plan Free Essays

New collection Launch | Marketing Plan 22. 10. 2009 1 SITUATION ANALYSIS Zara Brand Wheel Fashionable clothes Varied assortment Trendy colors Feminine cuts Fashionable product lines for moderate costs Customer- ­? centered business Runway trends adapted for the streets Brand Essence Fashion- ­? oriented woman Trendy in every situaFon Feeling good about looking good Fashion - ­? friendly Feminine Hot and trendy High-Street Fashion The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model Store Teams Customer Logis4cs Design/ Produc4on The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model Customer â€Å"Main driving force behind the Zara brand. We will write a custom essay sample on Zara Marketing Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Star%ng point for all Zara ac%vi%es Customer Lead role in: †¢? Store design †¢? Produc%on †¢? Logis%cs †¢? Team The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research s The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model Store Store â€Å"Mee4ng oint between the customer and the Zara fashion o? er. † 1,520 stores collect informa%on regarding customer demands. New products introduced twice a week. Top loca%ons – 17 visits / year / customer Me%culously designed shop windows Maximum aJen%on to interior exterior architechtual design Appropriate coordina%on of garments Excellent customer care The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model Design ProducFon â€Å"Inspira4on comes from the street, music, art †¦ but above all, the store. † Proximity of roduc%on facili%es Immediate reac%on to trends. Con%nuous work for all teams. Managers – teams – customer demand – forms, designs, fabrics, compliments Design/ Produc4on 1,186 suppliers, 200 desginers The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model LogisFcs â€Å"Highly frequent and constant distribu4on permiKng the o? er to be constantly renewed. † 697 million garments distributed 5,000 employees at logis%cs centers Logis4cs Designed with maximum ?exibility. Customer oriented. 24h – receiving order to store elivery (Europe) Designed to absorb growth for next years. 18% annual discount rates. The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analys is Market Consumer Research 5 Keys of the Zara Business Model Teams â€Å"Teams with vast sales knowledge geared to towards the customer. † 89,112 professionals Customer oriented. Make the stores a pleasant environment. Apply corporate, social environmental responsibility in day- ­? to- ­? day work. Teams The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Zara’s Performance 159 store openings in 2008 Brand Value: $ 8,609 M 1,530 stores 4 new countries in 2008 Sales â‚ ¬ 6,824 Million ZARA 73 countries The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research 14 The Industry High street fashion brand Industry trends Democra%za%on of luxury Inclusiveness Street trends Designer houses Key success factors Di? eren%a%on individualism New fashion consumer The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Customer Focused Product Development Saturated industry Need to increase brand value Responding to current industry trends Iden%fying the need for the product in the market A full- ­? shaped body is a beau4ful body The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Customer Focused Product Development Market entry barriers Design challenges Saturated industry Need to increase brand value Responding to current industry trends Iden%fying the need for the product in the market Exis%ng customer eac%ons â€Å"Fat is not fashionable† Challenges Opportunies The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Consumer Analysis Today’s fashion consumer: More choice, more educated, more savvy demanding â€Å"New breed of shoppers† Loyalty, variety, freshness The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis Interest Gives pleasure enjoyment Means of self- ­? expression Involvement Emo%ons Behavior The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis Interest Hedonics Involvement Purchasing experience Fun, fantasy, social or emo%onal gra%? ca%on Emo%ons Behavior Impulse buying The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis Interest Hedonics Involvement Importance: †¢? Consumers aJach meaning to their clothes †¢? Role of fashion in society Drivers: †¢? Individual mo%ves †¢? Projec%ng a desired self- ­? image Linked to personal values needs: †¢? Express and communicate value †¢? Values guide consumer behavior †¢? Types of values: personal, economic, aesthe%c Emo%ons Behavior The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis Interest Hedonics Involvement Posi%ve vs. nega%ve †¢? Shorter decision %mes †¢? More impulse buying †¢? A feeling of being unconstrained †¢? Desire to reward oneself How to generate posi%ve emo%ons? †¢? Use the retail environment to posi%vely in? uence moods: †¢? suitable layouts, †¢? colors, †¢? e? ec%ve sales personnel, †¢? emo%onally pliking atmosphere Impulse buying Emo%ons Behavior The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Fashion Consumer Behavior Analysis Interest Hedonics Involvement Impulse buying †¢? Fashion oriented: strongly oriented to fashion involvement: providing s ensory or experien%al cues of fashion products. †¢? Created by the symbolic interac4ons of the product the consumer emo4onal experiences Emo%ons †¢? Need to understand impulse buying behavior for fashion products from an experien4al perspec4ve = guidance in developing strategies Behavior The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Plus Size Consumer Analysis 1 in 3 women are unhappy with the way clothes ?t them 14 happy 12 8 16 10 18 6 22 20 24 unhappy The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Plus Size Consumer Behavior AJribute Plus size product Psychosocial consequence Feel more a acFve Func%onal consequence Cut ?[ng the body shape Values Self- ­? esteem Self esteem: important moFvaFon driver for consumpFon Consumers tend to assign their own eanings to clothes. Clothing: over consumer behavior The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Market Analysis 120 Market Share 15% PeFte 60% 25% Plus Size Normal 100 80 60 40 20 0 76 100 Size 2006 2012 Segment growth: 40% increase by 2014. Only 5% of retail space is dedicated to the +size products The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Types of CompeFtors 1 2 3 4 Dedicated Ranges Extension of Size Ranges Designer Bou%ques E- ­? commerce The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research New Line PosiFoning High Fashion Zara Torrid HM BouFques Low Price High Price MS Charming Shoppers 1 2 Dedicated Ranges Extension of Size Ranges Designer Bou%ques E- ­? commerce Market Consumer Research Junonia 3 4 Low Fashion The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Di? erenFaFon Brand awareness Brand loyalty New in this segments More experienced compe%tors Lack of e- ­? commerce Size growth High fashion for modest prices Strengths Weaknesses The Zara Brand Industry Analysis Product Development Consumer Analysis Market Analysis Market Consumer Research Zara vs. CompeFtors Zara 1,000 new styles / month 200 designers Higher cost of product development is more than adequately compensated by higher realized margins Strategy: reacFve, not predicFve CompeFtors 3- ­? 5 months: develop the ideas into physical samples Sales budgets stock plans developed one year ahead of the targeted styles Few weeks / months to procure fabrics, have them approved by the retailer – produce a number of samples – put samples in producFon The Zara Brand Product development Industry Analysis How to cite Zara Marketing Plan, Essay examples

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